
Essential oils to support your meditation practice

7. Juli 2017

Those who follow me on Instagram will have noticed: I’m crazy about essential oils. That’s nothing new – I wrote about scented oils in this article months ago, and told my story.

Right now, I’m totally in love with the essential oil line by dōTERRA. I’ve been studying the uses and qualities of these pure oils, which is pretty fascinating. In fact, the quality and the effects have got me so psyched that I had to share.

Many of you probably also indulge in a few drops of goodness in the diffuser to clear the mind or to help fall asleep, am I right?

It’s no wonder that dōTERRA products are appearing everywhere right now – which is good. Very good. How great would it be if everywhere smelled divine? The world uplifted by the positive vibrations of these amazing scents and people accessing a deeper understanding of themselves through essential oils.

Essential oils have wonderful powers, I’ve found, and I use them around the clock. My whole family is infatuated as well, but I’ll spare you the anecdotes. What I want to get at here is something else – something dear to my heart: meditation.

Ätherische Öle

Oils to support your meditation practice

A supporting scent has always been important for my spiritual practice: it just soothes the soul.

My husband works in Munich during the week, so I’ve always had to limit my incense and other smudging practices to those days when I was home alone. He can’t stand that stuff. Even my pure scented candles with delicate notes were too much of a good thing for him. However, since I’ve introduced diffusers with dōTERRA oils to pretty much every room in our apartment, he’s come fully onboard. I’m thrilled.

Pure essential oils support spiritual growth by allowing us to connect with our heart energy, to let go of limiting belief structures, to look inside honestly, to better understand our emotions and to connect to our own depths. They support and nourish many of our layers.

I’ve chosen a few oils today that strike me as supportive to a meditation practice. Of course, there are endless more, but we won’t overdo it. Each of us is dealing with our own package of stuff and meditation is a great tool for making space between our thoughts, to sort out our feelings and to generate lightness in out being.


Frankincense is an essential oil which helps us dissolve the veils between us and our inner truth. It helps to connect us to the light within, and to our own intuition. It also works to protect and to shield our soul from negative influences. It’s known for opening spiritual channels and bringing clarity.


The oil of purity supports us in transforming toxic emotions. Particularly good for those confronted with feelings of negativity, jealousy, envy and poisonous circumstances. It cleanses the environment of these heavy energies and allows healing to occur. A beautiful oil for letting go of the OLD in all forms.


Cedarwood is particularly appropriate when you’re feeling all alone in the world. It grounds and gives a sense of belonging. It reunites us with the whole and gives us the strength to dive fully into life.

Black Pepper

Black pepper exposes our true nature. Our society quickly teaches us to adapt and compromise. We have to perform and conform to an external expectation. This oil helps us to drop the masks, and to confront ourselves with our true nature – and learn to accept ourselves for who and how we are.


Cypress is wonderful for those ruled by fear. It encourages letting go of fears and worries, re-submerging in the flow of life, and allowing the spirit to become more flexible and courageous. I’d call it the oil for trust.

Pure essential oils like the ones by dōTERRA are a gift. They can be used in a diffuser to bring scent to a space – which I do constantly – they can be consumed internally, or applied externally with a base of coconut oil. They shouldn’t be used in aroma lamps (the kind with a tea light) as this limits the positive effects. Next week, more secrets about essential oils and their use.

All essential oils are powerful

As mentioned, I love working with dōTERRA’s products. They feel good. Also, the company’s philosophy works for me. But there are plenty of other suppliers who make quality products as well. It’s always best to form one’s own opinions on these things.

I’ll report back again soon, as I’m loving the role of dōTERRA Welness Advocate – it’s rewarding and lots of fun. Those who want to learn more, or want to order oils: drop a line or use this description. I’m happy to support you in discovering which oils are perfect for you so that you can feel good in your own skin, and let go of stress and negativity more easily. I love working with these products, so don’t be shy!

Take a look: maybe you have an essential oil at home right now that you can put to use. Create a beautiful atmosphere for a little meditation – it can be short. I always say:

'Meditation is like a great date with yourself.'Click To Tweet

To that end, have a lovely weekend!



Madhavi Guemoes
Madhavi Guemoes dachte mit 15, dass sie das Leben vollständig verstanden habe, um 31 Jahre später zu erkennen, dass dies schier unmöglich ist. Sie arbeitet als freie Autorin, Aromatherapeutin, Podcasterin, Bloggerin und Kundalini Yogalehrerin weltweit und ist Mutter von zwei Kindern. Madhavi praktiziert seit mehr als 30 Jahren Yoga - was aber in Wirklichkeit nichts zu bedeuten hat.
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